The Quicksilver is a streamlined, lightweight snowshoe designed for the recreational snowshoer who doesn’t need a lot of bells and…
Covering all your bases and preparing ahead of time will help ensure that your snowshoeing ventures are safer and more…
Sometimes called "side-hilling," traversing is a common method of travel and can be used to avoid overly steep or difficult…
Before you set out, it’s useful to learn the proper etiquette for sharing the trail with others.
There’s quite a lot to factor in when you’re choosing the best pair of snowshoes for your needs, but taking…
As with any outdoor winter activity, considering the temperature and your planned activity when choosing clothes to wear while snowshoeing…
As we say a warm bon voyage to 2013 and welcome the new year, many of us are proudly proclaiming…
Whether you count yourself a river rat or venture high into the rocky hills, this past year saw some great…
For those who just can’t stand being off their bike, winterizing your ride is a great way to get out…
I suggest keeping a good length of bundled rope on hand, as well as a bracelet or two.
When it comes to getting loads of new gear, outdoorsmen tend to look at Christmas the same way as children.
Sometimes, you have to figure out what not to do in order to fine-tune your practices down to what you…
Everyone makes mistakes when they first pick up an outdoor activity, especially backpacking.
100 hours of worry-free brightness will make overnight trips to the backcountry a little more safe and comfortable when you…