There’s something to say about an uphill climb but this is ridiculous. A growing number of skiers in Aspen, Colorado are tracking uphill on the slopes as a way to get a little exercise.
Nothing says going against the grain like uphill skiing. Count Aspen mayor Steve Skadron as a participant in this uphill craze, reports National Public Radio. Skadron tells the station’s Morning Edition that he is trying to attract a mix of storefronts to its downtown core aside from high-end retailers and uphill skiing is one of those opportunities.
Like cross-country skis, the boots are loose at the heel and attach at the toe. They are light and have a unique surface that lets them to grip to the snow with each stride.
Snowsports Industries America reports sales of lightweight skis used in uphill skiing jumped more than 200 percent in one year, according to NPR. That’s compared to 11 million Americans who participate in downhill skiing, and still roughly half of all ski resorts do not allow uphill skiing because of possible safety issues.
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