How to Trick Out Your Fishing Kayak

Ever gone fishing with expert angler? If so, I’ll bet you marveled at all the bells and whistles their boat was equipped with, such as electronics, trolling motor and more.

As kayak fishing has grown in popularity over the last several years, serious ‘yak anglers have modified and customized their fishing kayaks to suit their needs on the water. There are dozens of add-ons available so it can be difficult to discern what you may need.

I’ve added a few mods to my own kayak, a Pelican Boost 100 Angler, and wanted to share a few more of my favorite kayak mods.

Anchors Away

Kayaks are sort of at the mercy of the current. That being said, it’s difficult to fish a spot while fighting the current and constantly paddling to stay put. To remedy this, I recommend a solid anchor system. You can go with a traditional anchor, like the Canoe/Kayak anchor from Advanced Elements.

If you want something a little more streamlined and modern, an anchor trolley system such as Yak Gear’s popular kit is a solid choice. You’ll need a power drill and some marine grade silicone, but it’s worth it. I have a sit on top model, which has scupper holes in the deck, so when I’m in shallow water, I use a golf club without the club head and simply stick it into the bottom to hold my kayak in place.

Rod Storage

Some kayaks, mine included, feature built-in flush mount rod holders. For those of you without rod holders, I suggest looking into adding one or two to your ‘yak. This will keep your rods out of the way, but within easy access when you need them.

Plus, it also allows for trolling if you find yourself in current or want to paddle a bit with a lure out. Scotty Power’s Lock Rod holder is a popular choice when paddlers are on the hunt for a rod holder and it’s definitely worth a look.

Use the Space

Kayaks have a lot of room along the sides that often times goes unused or is used simply for pad eyes or paddle keeps. To get the most out of this space and expand your accessory possibilities, you can mount accessory tracks along this space. Tracks allow several different accessories to exist in the same space and be slid back and forth for quick access. I like Yak Gear’s track, as it works with the company’s various accessories.

Room for Extras

Aside from the must-haves, there are some bonus kayak add-ons that many anglers equip their ‘yaks with. Spend some time on YouTube and you’ll notice many anglers using an attached GoPro mount on their kayak. This is a great feature if you want to start a channel of your own or just share your videos on social media.

When it comes to large scale storage, anglers with sit on top kayaks often fasten a milk crate to their ‘yak’s rear storage area where they can store tackle boxes and other gear. Some even affix short lengths of PVC to these crates to create more storage for rods or nets.

Photo credit: Youtube

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