Summer time is a great for outdoor activities. Good weather brings the opportunity to get far afield and afloat. When…
We all know that salt helps keep the roads safe when driving to the mountains to ski, snowboard or getting…
Contrary to popular belief, not all Californian’s live within 10 minutes of the beach and say “Dude.” For those of…
Epic trails such as the Pacific Crest Trail and the Appalachian Trail that dissect whole sections of the country require…
Geocaching is a new and innovative twist on good old fashioned fun. The idea is simple: grab your Global Positioning…
Curiosity is the mother of most of my back country hiking/fishing expeditions. Often times the rumor of a lake or…
Here is a handy list for everything you should put into any basic first aid kit.
The ol’ mercury registered 96 degrees here in Central California last week and I thought I was going to fry.…
Within every person is an ancient connection with the campfire. Here are 3 essential tips for superior campfire cooking.
It’s funny how your focus changes over time. I wouldn’t say that I don’t see the same things I always…
It’s more than you think. Of course ripping through the woods and over rocks on your mountain bike is great…
Situated in northern Montana and adjoining the Canadian border is Glacier National Park with over 700 miles of hiking and…
Whenever you are planning to hike the Grand Canyon, you want to keep two things in mind. First, every hike…
Situated in southwest Utah, Zion National Park is the home of some very diverse hiking trails. Whether you prefer easy,…